
Projekty realizované v rámci programu Creative Europe (2014-2020)

Creative Europe



Literary translation projects



10 books in the context of the European cultural dialogue

59 653,72 €


The purpose of the project is to translate, publish, distribute and promote 10 high quality works of leading authors from 8 European countries. In this way the project reflects the cultural and linguistic diversity of creative Europe. 8 of the works will be translated from rare languages (Czech, Norwegian, Romanian, Serbian, Swedish and Danish), 2 - from English and French. All authors are winners of the biggest European and national awards. Ioana Pârvulescu is winner of the 2013 EU Prize for Literature - we will present her with 2 books, which are connected to one another (the awarded novel and its sequel). The young author Josefine Klougart is one of the most important writers, not just in Denmark, but in Europe nowadays. Finnish-Swedish writer Kjell Westö, Serbian Miloš Latinovic and Norwegian Tomas Espedal are the foremost authors in their countries and are winners of the biggest prizes over there. Emil Hakl is twice awarded with the biggest Czech literature prize - Magnesia Litera. In the project he is included with these two particular books which won him the award in 2003 and 2014. All these contemporary writers will be translated for the first time into Bulgarian, with which we will help for the intercultural dialogue in Europe. The project includes two classic authors - Romain Rolland and Rudyard Kipling (both Nobel Prize Laureats for Literature). The 150th anniversary of their birth is a good occasion for these great writers, whose creativity is part of the literary heritage of Europe, to be rediscovered by new generations of readers with two of their evergreen books that have never been translated in Bulgarian. Through dissemination strategy across the whole distribution network we will provide a broad access to the works for both existing and new audiences - such as more young people through the use of digital technologies. All 10 works will be published in printed format and as e-books.





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