
Projekty programu Culture (2007-2013)



Cooperation measures


Addicted2Random - Participatory Computer Generated Music

176 000,00 €

The project Addicted2Random will produce computer generated music in a participatory, location-independent way bridging past and presence of European musical heritage. The project will raise awareness for the share- and remix culture which led to cultural diversity and shaped a distinguished European culture with far reaching roots. E.g. the project will mix J.S. Bach (1685-1750) with contemporary computer generated forms of music. The project will explore new forms of GUIs (graphical user interfaces) for the production of computer generated music. The project will build on the participation of volunteers in many ways. The Open Source programming process will be mainly formed by people interested in setting up the GUI and the overall project. Thus the project fits well into the usual activities of community radio station. They rely on the active participation of volunteers broadcasting local, national and European issues. The project will provide these volunteers with an online playground for active cross-border participation. Objectives - To explore innovative ways to let many people experience the European musical heritage - To bridge the past (European composers like Bach, Mozart, Beethoven) with contemporary music creation - To creatively experiment with a new graphic web interface for music creation - To bring together composers and electronic sound engineers with the interested public Target groups - contemporary composers - music interested audiences in radio, Internet Activities - Set-up of project web site - Project meetings in Salzburg, Spain and Italy - Collaborative set-up of an open source graphic sound interface - Live production of computer generated music - Synchronous production and broadcasting from different locations





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Tento projekt vznikol vďaka finančnej podpore Európskej únie v rámci operačného programu Výskum a inovácie, ktorý je spolufinancovaný zo zdrojov Európskeho fondu regionálneho rozvoja.



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