
Projekty programu Culture (2007-2013)



Cooperation measures


Aesthetic Education Expanded: Artistic Experimentation and Political Culture in the Age of Networks

194 538,00 €

The project "Aesthetic Education Expanded" establishes a long-term cooperation between 5 organizations: Multimedijalni institut (HR), (RS), Berliner Gazette (DE), Kontrapunkt (MK) and Mute (UK, associate partner), all working in a broader cultural field where artistic experimentation meets political culture and communication technologies. The originality of this project is that it brings together organizations working in different geographies and practices: from trans-European publishing networks, emancipatory (self-)education projects, to intense local public action. The project starts from the Enlightenment concept of aesthetic education that stated the interdependence between arts (literary culture back in its day), politics (revolution) and technologies (print and publishing) with the aim of creating an emancipated sphere of public action. We expand this concept with the objective of jointly researching, aggregating, documenting and disseminating knowledge how heterogeneous geographies and practices can transversally connect to create a common space of action and reflection in the age of networks, when the forces of disintegration and fragmentation are increasingly conflicting with the projects of integration as can be currently experienced in Europe. The activities of the project will be: - a joint multilingual web platform with over 60 new texts, content translated in part and exchanged with Berliner Gazette and Mute web portals - 7 conferences: 3 in Zagreb, 1 in Skopje, 2 in Berlin, 1 in Novi Sad - 5 workshops: 3 in Berlin, 1 in Novi Sad, 1 in Ohrid - 2 public debates touring between Zagreb, Novi Sad and Skopje - 2 exhibitions in Zagreb (with 1 curated in Novi Sad) - 7 publications: 2 conference readers, 2 exhibition catalogs (all bilingually Croatian and English), collaborative edition of N. Thoburn's writings (Serbian), collaborative publication of H. Slater's writings (separately Macedonian and Serbian) - 4 partner meetings





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