Projekty - SK účastník

Projekty programu Horizont 2020, na ktorých participujú subjekty zo SR (stav k 31.03.2018)



Advanced Airspace Management






According to EUROCONTROL’s 2013 Challenges of Growth Report, Air traffic in the ECAC region is forecast to increase by 50% between 2012-2035 (most-likely scenario). Air traffic diversity is expected to become even more complex with the emergence of Remotely Piloted aircraft Systems (RPAS) and the multi-task nature of military aerial missions. The extension of free route operations will also imply more complex and dynamic traffic patterns. Network Operations will have to become more flexible and adaptable, allowing effective balance between capacity, mission effectiveness, flight efficiency and environmental requirements on one hand, and the diversity of user requirements on the other. PJ08 Advanced Airspace Management (AAM) brings key European aviation industry partners combining the right expertise and investment to address this challenge. Aligned with the ATM Master Plan, AAM Partners focus on Dynamic Airspace Configurations (DAC) and Dynamic Mobile Areas (DMA). Compared to today’s airspace scenarios, which by their nature are static, DAC/DMA enable flexible solutions that can be dynamically adapted to traffic demand to respond to different regional/local performance objectives, which may vary in time and place. AAM Partners will further elaborate the definition of DAC/DMA, the associated data models and operational processes, validate the operational feasibility and assess the performance impact. The readiness for integration of the DAC operational process in the DCB process will be as well addressed. Automated tools to generate optimum sector design and configurations, as well as DMA optimal location and volume to meet performance targets will be developed. AAM supports the SESAR Deployment regulation and addresses European concerns on economic (more efficient use of ATM Network resources) and environmental sustainability (reduced fuel burn and emissions) of Air Transport system giving Civil and Military Users the ability to optimise their operations.

15 431 292,00 €

555 405,60 €




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