
Projekty s dopadom na SR realizované v rámci programov LIFE / LIFE + (stav k 30.04.2018)

LIFE09 ENV/UK/000026

Hydro4LIFE - Hydropower Sustainability Assessment Protocol: EU Assessments, Monitoring, Capacity Development and Outreach

1 283 637,00 €

641 818,00 €


Hydropower developments can help mitigate climate change, manage hydrological cycles and provide improved energy security. In this context, the sustainability of hydropower is fundamental. The IHA has produced sustainability guidelines and a sustainability assessment protocol to promote wider uptake of hydropower. These are based on lifecycle approaches to sustainability, covering hydropower projects/schemes from ‘cradle-to-grave’. These existing IHA tools are being strengthened by the introduction of a new Hydropower Sustainability Assessment Protocol (HSAP), which addresses hydropower sustainability considerations from a cross-sectoral stakeholder perspective.

The main aim of this project is to demonstrate the effectiveness of the HSAP in the EU and consolidate knowledge on hydropower sustainability performance in the EU. The project also aims to raise awareness and build capacity (primarily via an electronic outreach campaign) about the HSAP and hydropower sustainability performance in the EU among all relevant stakeholders, including Member State/EU regulators and policy-makers. Expected results: Improved knowledge among key players (hydropower operators/developers and environmental auditors, as well as other stakeholders, regulators and policy-makers) about HSAP and hydropower sustainability performance, leading to improved hydropower sustainability performance in the EU; Increased capacity among key players about HSAP and hydropower sustainability.

Energy ~ Supply / Environmental management ~ Life Cycle Assessment-Management /

energy supply / environmental assessment / life-cycle management / renewable energy /


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