
Projekty s dopadom na SR realizované v rámci programov LIFE / LIFE + (stav k 30.04.2018)

LIFE09 NAT/SK/000396

APOMARINA_SK - Conservation of Aquila pomarina in Slovakia

1 045 265,00 €

783 948,00 €


The lesser spotted eagle (Aquila pomarina) is listed in Annex I of the Birds Directive. This raptor favours areas 100-900 metres above sea-level that contain a rich mosaic of woodland, meadows, fields, pastures, marshes and a well-developed network of watercourses. Its breeding range is restricted mostly to Europe (central, eastern and southeast Europe) and it has suffered a major decline in many countries, especially at the western and southern extent of its range. The European population size is estimated to be around 16 000 pairs, with up to 900 of these located in Slovakia. The Carpathian ecoregion is one of the most important strongholds of the species.

The main objective of the APOMARINA_SK LIFE Nature project was to enhance the conservation status of the lesser spotted eagle in Slovakia. This aim would be achieved by establishing favourable conditions in the short term for stabilising the Slovak breeding population of the species in the Carpathian ecoregion. Productivity of the population was expected to increase and mortality to reduce. The project planned to: Establish direct conservation practices and management for 160 breeding pairs in SPAs; Eliminate insensitive forestry practices and create protective zones; Repair 40 unsafe nests and install another 30 artificial nests within established protective zones; Insulate 196 km of 22 kV electric power lines, which pose a danger to the raptor; Recover and release up to 20 injured, exhausted, starving birds or chicks that fall from their nests; Increase human and technical capacity to support conservation in the project area; and Raise public awareness via 240 educational presentations in schools and information sessions targeting 260 stakeholders and 75 hunters.

Species ~ Birds /

biodiversity / endangered species / environmental impact of energy / forest management /



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