
Projekty s dopadom na SR realizované v rámci programov LIFE / LIFE + (stav k 30.04.2018)
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Kód projektu Názov projektu Suma celkom Suma - zdroje EÚ Začiatok realizácie Koniec realizácie Finančný rok Projektové témy Kľúčové slová Názov koordinátora
LIFE04 ENV/GB/000815 ADVANCE - Application and Dissemination of Value-Based Eco-Ratings in Financial Markets 688 674,00 € 342 337,00 € 2004 Environmental management ~ Environmental accounting / decision making support / financial instrument / University of Leeds
LIFE09 NAT/SK/000396 APOMARINA_SK - Conservation of Aquila pomarina in Slovakia 1 045 265,00 € 783 948,00 € 2009 Species ~ Birds / biodiversity / endangered species / environmental impact of energy / forest management / OCHRANA DRAVCOV NA SLOVENSKU
LIFE10 NAT/SK/000079 APUS & NYCTALUS - Protection of Common Swift (Apus apus) and bats in buldings in Slovakia (BIODIV) 1 481 248,00 € 740 624,00 € 2010 Biodiversity issues ~ Urban biodiversity / Species ~ Birds / Species ~ Mammals / biodiversity / building renovation / urban area / Bratislavské regionálne ochranárske združenie
LIFE03 NAT/SK/000098 AQUILA HELIACA - Conservation of Aquila heliaca in the Carpathian basin 492 000,00 € 369 000,00 € 2003 Species ~ Birds / cartography / conservation of genetic resources / decision making support / development planning / ecological assessment / environmental impact of agriculture / environmental impact of energy / environmentally responsible behaviour / geographic information system / information network / information system / management contract / monitoring / policy integration / population dynamics / public awareness campaign / research project / risk assessment / risk management / rural development / sustainable development / wildlife sanctuary / OCHRANA DRAVCOV NA SLOVENSKU
LIFE09 NAT/SK/000395 AYBOTCON - Conservation of Botarus stellaris and Aythya nyroca in SPA Medzibodrozie in Slovakia 1 870 720,00 € 1 403 040,00 € 2009 Species ~ Birds / nature conservation / protected area / wetland / Slovenská ornitologická spoločnosť/BirdLife Slovensko
LIFE09 NAT/CZ/000364 Butterflies CZ-SK - Integrated protection of rare butterfly species of non-forest habitats in the Czech Republic and Slovakia 6 447 799,00 € 3 223 900,00 € 2009 Habitats ~ Grasslands / Species ~ Invertebrates / biodiversity / environmental impact of agriculture / mountainous area / restoration measure / Agency for Nature Conservation and Landscape Protection of the Czech Republic
LIFE07 ENV/D/000224 Capital of Biodiversity - Promoting the Protection of Natura and Biodiversity in Urban Areas: Award European Capital of Nature and Biodiversity 1 695 832,00 € 844 065,00 € 2007 Biodiversity issues ~ Urban biodiversity / Land-use & Planning ~ Urban design (urban-rural) / biodiversity / climate protection / environmental training / local authority / urban area / Deutsche Umwelthilfe
LIFE08 ENV/SK/000240 CHEFUB - Creative high efficient and effective use of biomass 1 368 497,00 € 491 773,00 € 2008 Climate change Mitigation ~ Renewable energies / air pollution / biomass energy / climate change mitigation / emission reduction / financial instrument / greenhouse gas / renewable energy / BIOMASA, združenie právnickych osôb
LIFE06 ENV/D/000488 CONWASTE - Conversion of Waste for use as construction material for environmentally friendly closing of industrial landfills 4 472 942,00 € 1 203 535,00 € 2006 Waste ~ Waste recycling / Waste ~ Industrial waste / alternative material / building material / landfill / waste use / MDSE Mitteldeutsche Sanierungs-und Entorgungsgesellschaft mbH
LIFE16 NAT/CZ/000001 CZ-SK SOUTH LIFE - Optimalization of Natura 2000 sites management delivery in the South Bohemia Region and the territory of South Slovakia 7 024 703,00 € 5 085 000,00 € 2016 Habitats ~ Forests / Habitats ~ Bogs and Mires / Habitats ~ Grasslands / Species ~ Invertebrates / Species ~ Plants / employment / endemic species / grazing / nature conservation / restoration measure / tourism / South Bohemia Region (Jihočeský kraj)
LIFE07 NAT/SK/000707 Danube birds conservation - Conservation of Endangered Bird Species Populations in Natural Habitats of the Danube Inland Delta 4 577 663,00 € 2 288 831,00 € 2007 Habitats ~ Freshwater / Species ~ Birds / endangered species / nature conservation / protected area / wetland / Bratislavské regionálne ochranárske združenie
LIFE03 NAT/SK/000097 DANUBE FORESTS - Conservation and management of Danube floodplain forests 570 000,00 € 370 500,00 € 2003 Biodiversity issues ~ Invasive species / Habitats ~ Forests / agricultural pollution / cartography / conflicting use / conservation of genetic resources / decision making support / development planning / diffuse pollution / drainage system / ecological assessment / environmental education / environmental impact assessment / environmental impact of agriculture / environmental training / eutrophication / forest ecosystem / forest management / forestry / geographic information system / informal negotiation / information service / information system / introduction of plant species / land purchase / management plan / modelling / pest control / policy integration / public-private partnership / reforestation / renaturation / restoration measure / site rehabilitation / social participation / Bratislavské regionálne ochranárske združenie
LIFE09 NAT/HU/000384 Falco cherrug B-H-R-S - Conservation of Falco cherrug in Northeast Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania and Slovakia 4 032 828,00 € 3 006 470,00 € 2009 Species ~ Birds / endangered species / natural park / nature conservation / Bükk National Park Directorate
LIFE06 NAT/H/000096 Falco cherrug-Hu/SK - Conservation of Falco cherrug in the Carpathian basin 2 152 042,00 € 1 606 715,00 € 2006 Species ~ Birds / endangered species / protected area / Bükk National Park Directorate
LIFE10 ENV/SK/000086 Geohealth - The impact of geological environment on health status of residents of the Slovak Republic 418 678,00 € 207 273,00 € 2010 Risk management ~ Human health protection / environmental assessment / groundwater / pollution control / public health / Štátny Geologický Ústav Dionýza Štúra
LIFE09 ENV/UK/000026 Hydro4LIFE - Hydropower Sustainability Assessment Protocol: EU Assessments, Monitoring, Capacity Development and Outreach 1 283 637,00 € 641 818,00 € 2009 Energy ~ Supply / Environmental management ~ Life Cycle Assessment-Management / energy supply / environmental assessment / life-cycle management / renewable energy / International Hydropower Association
LIFE11 ENV/SK/001019 Hydro-climate recovery - Revitalisation of the climate in dried-out communities in Eastern Slovakia via hydro-climate recovery 1 431 535,00 € 690 267,00 € 2011 Risk management ~ Natural risks (Flood - Forest fire - Landslide) / Water ~ Water resources protection / flood protection / integrated management / rain water / water resources management / Občianske združenie MVO Ľudia a voda
LIFE03 ENV/SK/000577 ILUBE - Integrated Logistics for Use of Biomass Energy 6 185 050,00 € 1 011 900,00 € 2003 Energy ~ Supply / Energy ~ Efficiency / Waste ~ Waste recycling / biomass energy / heat supply / wood / BIOMASA, združenie právnickych osôb
LIFE11 ENV/SK/001023 KRASCAVE - Implementation of sustainable groundwater use in the underground karst system of the Krásnohorská jaskyňa Cave 1 244 326,00 € 613 238,00 € 2011 Habitats ~ Rocky and Caves / Land-use & Planning ~ Sensitive and protected areas management / Water ~ Water resources protection / drinking water / groundwater / pollution prevention / protected area / risk management / water resources management / Štátny Geologický Ústav Dionýza Štúra
LIFE16 GIE/CZ/000791 LIFE-A2J-EARL - Education and Awareness Raising of Legal Professionals on Access to Justice 1 131 459,00 € 678 098,00 € 2016 Association Justice & Environment, z.s.

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